Holistic Therapy in Edinburgh

My Blogs

At its core, this blog is my passion project – a humble platform to distill lessons from my journey and share insights that continue to unfold as I walk this path. It is a space for conversing about techniques and ideas that have deeply impacted me, though I don’t proclaim expertise. I aim to hold this knowledge lightly, as an invitation into gentle reflection.

My hope is that within these reflections, you may find a fragment of encouragement, inspiration or solace. I delight in nerding out over the power of deep listening, hypnotic trance, and working from a Solution Focused perspective. But ultimately, I write to share my humanity in service of yours.

I’m grateful you’re here to listen and reflect alongside me. Please make yourself comfortable with a cup of tea and enjoy the ride!

The Importance of Tomorrow

Life never stands still. Every moment brings subtle shifts, new encounters, and unexpected opportunities. As a Solution Focused Practitioners, Coach and Hypnotherapist, I see my role not as creating change. Change is already happening naturally. I help clients see and...

Small Steps, Big Changes: A Solution Focused Path Forward

When we're feeling stuck, traditional approaches often have us diving deep into analysing why we're stuck. But what if there was a different way? This is where the Solution Focused approach comes into play, a powerful method that turns traditional problem-solving on...

Breaking Free: The Science Behind Feeling Stuck

We've all been there. It's frustrating to feel trapped in a situation that seems permanent and unchangeable. A job that no longer fulfils us, a repeating relationship pattern, or an impossible life situation can leave us feeling stuck. It's an overwhelming feeling....

Transformation Fuelled By Hope

People often ask me what I do as a Solution Focused Practitioner, whether in hypnotherapy or life coaching. The truth is, it's constantly evolving as I grow and learn alongside my clients. However, right now, I believe these powerful words best capture the essence of...

The Client is the Expert: Ditching Hypotheses

Bill O'Hanlon and Jim Wilks, in their book "Shifting Contexts," wrote: "... now and then, in the course of a session, a hypothesis might accidentally enter a therapist's head, and the best remedy for it is to lie down until it goes away." Today, I'd like to talk about...

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

The Power of Interdependence Everything I share on my website, discuss on social media, or practice during sessions stems from the wisdom and teachings of others. I firmly believe in the power of interdependence – the understanding that nothing truly happens in...

Why coaching? Why coaching with me?

Life coaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional development, offering support and guidance across diverse areas. Whether you're looking to advance your career, improve your relationships, boost your confidence, or find a better work-life balance, a...

Words were originally magic – the power of language

During a recent training session with Elliott Connie, I was reminded of a powerful quote from an unexpected source: Sigmund Freud. "Words were originally magic, and to this day, words have retained much of their ancient magical power," Despite Solution Focused therapy...

Navigating Change: A Year in Hypnotherapy Practice

As I look back on the year since completing my hypnotherapy diploma and becoming a self-employed practitioner, I'm inspired to reflect in a true Solution Focused manner. One of my favourite ways to start a session is by asking, "What's been better?" So, let me apply...

Why is it Solution Focused “Brief” Therapy?

Every prominent author has contributed extensively to this topic, so my additions here are likely trivial and redundant. However, some may find the term "brief" in Solution Focused Brief Therapy confusing - does brief mean it's unsuitable for the so-called “serious”...