The Power of Interdependence
Everything I share on my website, discuss on social media, or practice during sessions stems from the wisdom and teachings of others. I firmly believe in the power of interdependence – the understanding that nothing truly happens in isolation. My journey in hypnotherapy and coaching is a testament to this interconnectedness, shaped by countless moments of being in the right place at the right time. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to cross paths with remarkable teachers and friends who have opened my eyes to new perspectives and inspired my hunger for knowledge. These encounters have been like stepping stones, each one leading me deeper into understanding the human mind and the art of transformation. The techniques I use and the insights I share are a tapestry woven from the threads of wisdom passed down by those who came before me, enhanced by my own experiences and practice.
A Pivotal Friendship
The seed of my career as a helping professional was planted during a conversation with a dear friend who is no longer with us – she was an extraordinary individual who wore many hats: hypnotherapist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, and singer, but above all, she was a cherished friend. Her boundless kindness and encouragement gave me the confidence to take my first steps in this field. I’ll never forget how she reviewed my statement for my COSCA counselling skills course application, helping launch me on this transformative path.
Learning from the Best
I am profoundly grateful for all the teachers and fellow learners I’ve met throughout my various courses, many of whom have become dear friends. Among all my training experiences, I must highlight the brilliant work of BRIEF, whose combination of immense knowledge and tremendous humility opened my eyes to the beauty of solution-focused practice. To this day, I find myself returning to my notes from their courses, and their blogs and social media posts continue to deeply inspire me. Their influence gave me the courage to share my own thoughts about this way of working, even though I know my knowledge can’t compare to their vast experience. Their example shows that true expertise is marked by wisdom and the humility to keep learning and sharing.
The Greatest Teachers: My Clients
In the most profound sense of interdependence, my journey would be incomplete without acknowledging the profound impact of my clients. They have shaped my approach in ways that no training ever could, and I wouldn’t be here without them. I am deeply grateful for the trust placed in me by both my private clients and those I work with through charity services. Each session is a collaborative journey, and their faith in the process continually humbles and inspires me to grow as a practitioner.
Your Turn to Reflect
Before I share some book and video recommendations (though the list is far from complete), I invite you to pause and reflect on your inspirations. As you think about those who have influenced your journey, consider:
- In what ways are you honouring what you’ve learned from them in your daily life?
- Looking to the future, what aspects of your learning would you like to enhance?
- What would be the first small sign that this enhancement has begun to happen?
Solution Focused Practice in End-of-Life and Grief Counseling – Joel K. Simon, Springer Publishing Company, 2009
More Than Miracles: The State of the Art of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy – Steve de Shazer, Yvonne Dolan, Harry Koran, Terry Trepper, Eric McCollum, Insoo Kim Berg, Routledge Mental Health Classic Editions, 2021
The Solution Brief Therapy Diamond – Elliott E. Connie, Adam S. Froerer, 2023, Hayhouse
Solution Focused Practice, Guy Shannon, Bloomsburry Publishing, 2019
A User’s Guide To The Brain – John Ratey, Abacus, 2001
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy – A Practitioner’s Guide, Matthew Cahill
Trance and Treatment: Clinical Uses of Hypnosis by Herbert Spiegel and David Spiegel | 30 Apr 2004